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Love that movie. One of those that I could watch anytime.

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yes, one of my favorite movies. (maybe top 5? :wink: )

I like it more than the book. The book is good, and there’s a few bits that were cut out from the movie that I like, but the movie softens a couple of the characters just enough.

Like, the whole point of the story is that Rob is kind of an a**hole (who is getting better), but book Rob is definitely worse, and I like that the edges were filed off a bit for the movie character. Barry too, though maybe it’s just that Jack Black is awesome enough to make the character better that way.

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Jack Black is brilliant in the movie. The scene near the end, when we finally see his band, is awesome. Love Cusack’s reaction.

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Speaking of actors with excellent annoyed/frustrated faces, John Cleese is certainly a master.

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