So, how’s it going

To be certain, I AM returning to Murmurs. Do not worry there. This is more of a mental regroup. Like I said, this is not a “throwing my rattle” kinda thing. I am most appreciative of Ethan bringing Murmurs back. Like I said, I am coming back here.

However, I am really contemplating NOT returning to Facebook. It’s seeming more and more shady. I, funny enough, have considered going back to MySpace. It seems more communal than the behemoth Facebook is becoming.

This is not a “goodbye”…this is a “later”.


So, it’s going well. Rainy, lazy Saturday. One week left in the quarter and then I have a week off. Considered going to DC to see a friend, but think I’ll hang at home for that week.


I went for a walk around the park this afternoon & passed this mural at the train station nearby…


I’m super crabby today. Mainly because it’s Monday. So here’s a picture of my cats.


Cats make everything ok. This is Wendell Gee, our precious boy, enjoying the spring sunshine today:


Yes, cats make everything better.

This is my last week before a week off and I have ZERO motivation.


Today I picked up some new shrub and tree seedlings for the yard. Including some bayberry plants.

It is the wrong climate to grow ginger, lemon, indigo, bergamot, or vetiver though.


We only have classes the first three days of this week, then we have parent conferences on Thursday and Friday, then spring break next week. I took three hours off for an appointment in the middle of today, I have a training all tomorrow afternoon (online, but I’m going to do it from home because I always get interrupted if I’m on site). Also, because the school is under construction, they’ll be turning the water to the main building off Thursday morning and all the teachers are encouraged to do conferences online, so I’ll likely be able to skip some or all of those days. Not that I’m excited about getting time off.


How long until you retire?

My official last day is June 9, but I have 56 more actual work days. Not counting all the days I’m going to wake up and be “too sick” to go in.


We’ve gone into Autumn, our summer has been mostly consistently warm but not so much the extreme heat as previous years. The north/eastern part of Australia had massive flooding and lot more than usual. People who lost their jobs or businesses during Covid probably had dreams that were shattered. We’re just coming out of the pandemic, house prices and rent had huge rises and then Putin invades the Ukraine. I have a stable & secure life, if I didn’t I would probably feel like the whole world was falling apart. It would shatter me, I’m sure it would to others too.




I’m on motherfucking vacation for the next week. That’s how today is going.


We had a state election today. Some of the paraphernalia that bombards letter boxes, not forgetting corflutes on stobie poles… they all want our vote. I should be grateful to be living in a democracy.

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I took a photo of the genesis of this logo.
I got the print in the mail. I utilized the printer, rather than the scanner…because I wanted it more raw looking. I went to a hobby store and got oil based paint pens…black and white.

Hopefully, this becomes a record label with a friend.

It says:


In some circles, turntables are called decks. There’s the knowledge of using them (he has more of that than I). Ultimately, its a play on words of technology.


Originally the letters bled into each other, but it was too hard to read. I got an exacto knife and tried to (operative words) do it as a cut out. There were shreds, because the knife got to dull, too quick. I ended up painting it in black, but there was a slight glare from the light. I then did what I said in the previous post.

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A new government has been elected here in South Australia. The health system needs fixing, apparently not enough beds & staff in hospitals to keep up with all the ambulances coming in - a note, this was happening before Covid as well. The hospitality & entertainment industry had too strict restrictions put on them, and people were prevented from partying, but they could go in large numbers with less restrictions to a sports match. I know, confusing. Our new Premier of South Australia was photographed emerging from a swimming pool with his young daughter, a few weeks before the election, a picture of youth, strength and health.

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I was on the run for two years but on sun 13th I scored a positive covid test. The respiratory part of it went by in five days but cognitively I’m nowhere near what this should be. Struggling at everyday chores and five minutes of a conversation is all it takes for me to need a rest. Some good signs (typing this took only three times the usual) but to think this still registers as a fairly easy case, what with 3 jabs and a decent shape is just crazy… Stay safe everyone.


From everything I’ve heard, keep on taking it easy. Rest when you need to instead of trying to push through the exhaustion. I hope you keep improving quickly!


Hey Antti :wave:

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