Where are we all from? A newbie wants to know about you

I am a high school student from Budapest, Hungary. Newbie on Murmurs, because I was just 8 when it stopped. Sorry for my English, it’s far from perfect :frowning:
Despite my age, I’ve found REM myself. They are totally unknown in Hungary in general. My dad, who is otherwise a huge rock music nerd, likes Automatic and Monster, but never listened to their other LPs.
First REM song I’ve ever heard was Losing My Religion (surprise surprise). Obviously I liked it. Then listened to Everybody Hurts and Drive, then the whole Automatic, then Pageant, then everything else… Finally I ended up joining here.


I grew up in Michigan, went to school in Baltimore and then Seattle, lived in PA and NC and then moved to Auckland New Zealand almost 18 years ago, where I have been ever since!

Have visited Scotland a few times and would love the chance to go back!


Hello sausage, you doing ok? :smiley:

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It’s a small world. There are many distilleries around here, it’s known as the whisky capital.

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Believe it or not, Cuyahoga county. Cleveland area


Hi She Gardens at Night! I’ll be just down the A96 from you in Aberdeen, although I spend a couple of days a week child-sitting at my daughter’s in Inverurie. Guess you might be going to ARI sometimes…I used to work in a lab there before moving to Marine Scotland. ARI 's a huge complex but easy enough to get around.

I guess leaving Shetland is going to be quite a rollercoaster for you, good and not so good changes maybe? I’ve had the fun of water sampling around the mainland (work) and the scenery is amazing. Good roads too but you never know when a sheep is going to wander onto the road, seems to happen a LOT as I’m sure you know. But ouch, that wind…and the dark winter days!!

So welcome back to mainland Scotland. Sadly I don’t go to gigs much these days because my hearing is shot to smithereens, too many front rows. Worth every moment though!

And welcome to Murmurs, I used to be here a lot back in the noughties and met so many lovely people who I’ll remember for ever. Happy days then and hopefully many more to come!

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Well considering how big the world is, howdy neighbor! I’m just south if Cambridge. I’ve been here 20 years too. Neighbors even if for a little while more :blush::rooster:


Me too, Parma


Isn’t Jason Molina from around there? RIP.


Oberlin, not too close by but yeah

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I was born in Georgia, and I have been here all my life.

I have lived in the north metro Atlanta area since the late 1990s. I bought my first home, a townhouse, in 2015, and I live less than a mile from a beautiful mountain park (Kennesaw Mountain) that has 16 miles of trails. I can be found running the trails out there on most weekends.

I will probably grow old and die here in my “starter home”, but the location is so great that I am happy staying.


Hi all! Also new to Murmurs! Developed my R.E.M. obsession around 2003 and was lucky enough to see them once, at Hyde Park on the ATS your.

I live in Newcastle Upon Tyne, and here’s a picture of the river that I get to cross everyday to go to work:


Weirdly, I’m posting now from about 20 miles away from where I was during the first run of Murmurs. Grew up in various places in Pennsylvania, went to college in Gettysburg (despite not caring about the first Civil War at all), moved away for 12 years, went to grad school, got married, had a kid then moved back and now I work at a college in Maryland. Here’s a picture of part of our campus. The log cabin is historical and does not represent the quality of our classrooms or dorms.


Hey there, welcome!
I’m Andrea and I was born and raised in Argentina. I moved to Milano, Italy five years ago to pursue a master’s degree and remained here to work after graduation.
I like it here. I live in a city that looks like a mix up between Buenos Aires and my hometown. It also has a similar weather and italians are pretty much similar to argentinians so I moved 11,000 km away for nothing haha. It snows once a year and there are lots of very awesome places around. Also, the food is great and italian guys are cute so I can’t complain!

I got to meet some fellow murmusians when I moved accross the pond–others I hope to meet someday.

Hope you enjoy the boards!!


Here’s my progression of places:

Small unremarkable town in the Netherlands → Small unremarkable town in Austria → Big(gest) city in England → Windiest (not really) city in the US → Just outside of the Live Music Capitol of the World (supposedly)

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What a beautiful photo and Israel is a place I have always wanted to go. Hopefully someday.


They are very cute and far smaller than most people think.


:heart::heart::heart:thank you

Wow we are actually due to be at ARI next week to meet up with my heart surgeon, we have spent a lot of time there including a long-term stay so know it far better than one would like to although we have always had the best care. We have a lot of Shetland friends in Aberdeen so we will be there back and forth a lot I imagine.

It will be a HUGE change for us but a welcome one. I cant deal with the constant wind and cold anymore and the overall isolation and limited options of places to see and go. So we are looking at it as an adventure. We also have family on the mainland so that is a bonus. The biggest change will be for my husband who is born and bred and never lived anywhere else other than Inverness for a short time while serving his time as a joiner 40. years ago.

Its very nice to meet you and thanks for the welcome. It seems like such a warm community.

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I love how varied everyone’s location is. And we have so many immigrants that’s not something I have often come across. Explorers, it seems. It’s so nice learning about you all and I really love seeing the photos you are all sharing. I just am so glad to have stumbled into the FB group shortly before this wonderful forum reopened. I think I will be spending a lot of time around here.