Barrett Martin's "Singing Earth"

From R.E.M. Instagram
Barrett Martin is hosting a new music series called “Singing Earth” which premieres this Friday on the VEVO Music Network. Peter, who will be featured in an episode, says, “Barrett’s show starts on VEVO this Friday. It’s a cool musical travelogue. I appear in the second episode.”

From @barrettmartinofficial
Three day countdown to the first episode of our new music series, “Singing Earth” on the VEVO music network, which you can watch on your Internet TV (for the best visual and audio), or YouTube, and many other music platforms around the world. Hosted by me and directed and edited by Tad Fettig @fettigtad
Barrett’s feed has some stills from various film shoots around the world.

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R.E.M. HQ have provided a link to SingingEarthVevo I watched the first episode tonight, a world of nature & music. The series also has other musicians such as Matt Cameron, David Catching, Hector Tellez Jr., Elizabeth Pupo-Walker, who recorded backing tracks in the studio for the songs of the Shipibo Shamans in Peru.

From R.E.M. HQ
The latest episode which includes Peter Buck.
“Brazil And The Art Of Cannibalismo” (which is the way Brazilians devour and reinvent music)

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