Lots to dig into here. One of my favorite parts is when Stipe meets Phoebe Bridgers and boygenius comes up in the conversation. I love it when my favorite worlds collide.
Such a well-written piece. I very much enjoyed the look into Stipe’s family as well as his insecurities about his songwriting.
It is but I’m 100% sure that’s not Stipe laying his head in “a wispy woman’s lap” in “The One I Love” video.
I wondered the same thing. I didn’t look up the video, but all the memories of watching it during my childhood didn’t have him in that particular scene.
I also remembered the video from countless viewings but looked it up to be absolutely sure I was correct.
Great article, The One I Love video aside.
Do you know if the article is issued as hard copy too?
I believe it’s going to be in the next issue which evidently hasn’t hit newsstands yet.
From R.E.M. HQ -
“Awesome Gambineri cartoons accompanying the Letters To the Editor regarding the extensive profile of Michael in December.”
Sweet. This one is my favourite.