Since this is intended to be a consolidation for everything R.E.M. we can find online in other places, I think, JUST AS MERE SUGGESTION, of course, that Murmurs could:
integrate the new R.E.M. Radio (Listen to R.E.M. Radio | Zeno.FM) as its own station, or find a way to re-house it as it is now. This new webradio station was just put online by my friend Rafael Pompeu, a fellow Brazilian FB group member. I’m about to start contributing tidbits there soon.
integrate (somehow) the very good and useful YouTube channel “Karaoke from space” from another FB member:
integrate the infamous “R.E.M. thread for R.E.M. stuff” from the old Morrissey forum. By that, I mean to create a place here for people to announce and buy items from each other and for file trading too, in the spirit of the old Murmurs WinMX server.